Dear MEG Tribe,
Thank goodness, I have a tribe. Quote of the week for my fellow new moms?
“To say; I’ve been there”.
…Let me explain…
Mommy's Essential Guide #MEG
Disclaimer. If you’re new to the #MEGTribe series, I suggest you click here and start from day one and catch up with the madness, that will help all of this make sense.
Dear MEG Tribe,
These past few weeks has been wild. I know I always use that word but girl, it is legit the only word that can describe my current reality LOL. So here is an update and your cue to grab a glass of wine.
As you know, Alina had COVID-19 and that has had me on edge. She’s much better now and I am grateful she has the antibodies but, I’ve been on edge. I haven’t travelled since she’s been sick and I know I spoke about getting over mom guilt in my last post, but I still have moments when I am petrified that myself or anyone around AlĂna could get her sick.
Pray for me.
In other news, lately, more than usual, I’ve missed London. I miss my family, my friends, my city , I just miss, London. It’s been almost a year since I’ve visited and I’m ready for my family to meet AlĂna. My biggest fear is they would meet her and she would look at them and legit scream because of the ol’ stranger danger thing. Long story short, I’m realizing that me writing this blog post- at almost 2 in the morning on a week night, is me dying to confess, yup confess.Â
I’m a contradiction.
What the hell are you talking about Steph? Did you legit just bring me here to confess your a contradiction? What does that even mean!?
Ok tribe, bare with me, I’m a contradiction in the fact that I am petrified to leave my house with AlĂna and cancelling numerous travel opportunities but, am I willing to get on a plane 4,000 + miles to Europe?
Yes. Yes I am.
Listen, Motherhood is as confusing as all get out and postpartum is the gas that keeps it all going.Â
If you don’t know me personally then you’re probably really confused, so to help you here’s the back story.
Prior to AlĂna I was a work-a-holic. I managed multiple platforms, multiple jobs, and had no idea how to say no when opportunity knocked. I was one of those women that swore blind that having a child wouldn’t and couldn’t slow me down because I was that just wasn’t me.
Well one baby later, i’m realizing that, that is me. I’m currently learning the “okness” of loving your job, but being willing to say no at the drop of a dime, for yourself and your family.
I’m not willing to leave or risk anything happening to AlĂna for work purposes, but somehow, for an opportunity to feel even more safe and happy, i’m willing to go the extra mile to ensure she’s safe when we travel for family centered reasons.
Again, if you know me personally you know this is wild for me!
Postpartum is teaching me so much about myself and I guess my affirmations are simply consistently manifesting. I’m becoming the mother I didn’t know I had the potential to become.
I love me enough to affirm me
Affirm Me...
Here are my affirmations for the month that have helped keep me going while shifting my mindset.
This week I opened up how I was feeling to a group of random mom strangers on a mommy’s social app I downloaded. I stepped away from my phone after pouring out my conflicted heart to a bunch of strangers, and went to wash up some dishes.Â
By time I got back I had over 200 notifications from moms around the world that had been through exactly what I am going through.
“I’ve been there…”
Those three words brought comfort that a hug from my mom would bring. Suddenly I realized that I had to come on here and let you, the mommy’s just like me and women who don’t want to be anything like me, “I’ve been there..”
I guess this is our daily reminder that we are changing growing and evolving. The whole purpose of this blog was to be completely transparent with other working moms (and moms to be) to let you all see my journey and have faith in yours.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with being a mom that never thought she would have a work- life balance and didn’t know how to let an opportunity go.
I realized that a lot of my fears of missing “once in a life time opportunities” would cause me to miss the once in a life time opportunity of loving on AlĂna as a baby…
Anyway tribe, that’s all from me, if you grabbed anything from this post, I hope you learnt that postpartum is a beach, but I’ve been there, and I am there with you…we got this.