oMG i have a 5month old
5 month Old Alína
I have a 5 month old send help!
Alína is 5 months and even saying that, has me all in my feels.
Alina is 5 months and it has been wild. There is so much I have to share with you, but I’ll try and keep it concise cause girl! I promise this could easily be a 10-page blog. But no worries, no worries, I know you’re busy and have the attention span of a goldfish, as do I, so I’ll try keep it short and sweet. But SIS! Month 5 is wild and it just keeps getting more and more exciting with a dash of cray-cray. If you’re wondering what to expect from your bundle of joy at 5 months, or you just want to amuse yourself with the crazy stuff I’ve been dealing with, I’ve got you covered. This blog post will cover the wild ride of 5 months postpartum and the beauty of my 5-month-old.

Pull up a chair...
Let's Talk.
Alina caught covid a few weeks ago just before she turned five months and it was a hell of a journey.
It was the same week I went back into the office that she somehow got sick.
After hearing her diagnosis I instantly fell into deep “mom guilt”. I went through so much guilt of feeling like I should have never of gone back to work. I couldn’t help but wonder if she would have caught the virus if I was willing to be a stay at home mom instead of a “corporate” woman.
Mom guilt made me not want to work...
I canceled multiple work trips, and said no to a handful of opportunities. I was honestly just petrified at the idea of leaving Alina let alone traveling and potentially bringing something home to her! I began to feel selfish for even wanting to go anywhere with her being so small.
Again sis, the mom guilt was real!
But randomly after a few days of moping and caring for my little one, I began to get the funk out of my funk and learn to look after Alína- with natural medications. After she recovered, I DM’d multiple travel blogger friends on how they keep their babies safe traveling during a pandemic.
If you're forgetting how dope of a human you are, I'll meet u in your inbox
Here's to never being afraid of teachable moments
I allowed what was a crappy experience to be a teachable moment. Because of that I am now planning multiple work trips that can become family getaways, and balancing a full-time job and mom life gig.
Long story short Alína turning 5 months has either driven me to a weird life crisis of over working, or led me to multiple avenues to make my bank account fatter. More on that pending…
News in Alina's World..
Alina is her daddy’s child but adores her mommy and I think that’s what I love! I’m happy she’s not a daddy’s or mommy’s girl she’s just an us girl?
Side Note: I told you in my last post that I was a little obsessed with milestones and I’m still being healed from that obsession so bare with me for the next few minutes.
The Queen of Babbling
Alina is babbling until she literally can’t babble anymore! From morning until night Alina babbles about everyone and everything, or at least that what it sounds like. Anyway your #MEG is having a ball listening to Alinas personality scream at me.
She meets no stranger
But let’s go back to the friendly part. Alina will laugh at a storm with a stranger! She still loves the beautiful outdoors and is always keen on making new friends when we go on our walks. She is not a fan of loud sounds but lives for baby scensory on YouTube, turnt all the way up to maximum volume.
I hate and love youtube
I saw that I wouldn’t allow my little one to watch TV ( which she still doesn’t) or YouTube by any means! But as Alina is getting older and I am watching her take in and learn so much from the world around her, I wanted to find a way to use all the tools around me to keep her growing and enquiring. I came across baby scenery and so far I love most of their baby tube videos.
The Apple & The tree
I also learnt quickly that Alina is as sweet as her name, until she’s ignored or tired. Mate! This Aries demands attention but not 24/7, only when she’s sleepy. At first, that made absolutely no sense to me because I'd never seen nothing like it, until I realize I had. I kinda had an odd tendency throughout my pregnancy , for Chris to show me attention and love me so I could fall asleep, I have no idea why that was my sleeping trigger but that pregnancy phenomenon has led to the apple not falling from the tree #Opps..
Sitting up -Almost
She’s still struggling with sitting up and has a tendency to fall after about 60 seconds of having a decent balance.
She sees it. She grabs it.
But let me end this one with a warning and a note. At 5 months, Alïna grabs everything. Especially my phone. No matter how entertaining the content on the phone was, Alina wanted to hold the phone and look at the device itself rather than look at what was on the screen. Not to mention that her mouth is her best friend, and she loves to introduce everything she find to her best friend. So again mommy’s , beware with leaving your devices or any electronic devices with your 5 month old.
The "What to Expect" Blog Gave me A few More things to Be On The Look Out For at 5 months:
Sleeping Basics
Most babies this age sleep 10 to 12 hours at night and, even though it’s usually not necessary at this point, wake up for a feeding or two. They also nap for three to five hours a day, spaced between two or three naps.
Feeding basics
Breastfed babies should get 24 to 36 ounces of breast milk a day spread out over about five or six feeds. Formula-fed babies should have 24 to 36 ounces of formula in about five feeds.
Sleep Regression
Due to teething you may find that your little ones night routine changes and slightly regresses. Give it a few weeks before you panic. It usually fixes it self randomly.
Sitting up -Almost
She’s still struggling with sitting up and has a tendency to fall after about 60 seconds of having a decent balance.
5months Postpartum
C Section Life
My Healing
Like motherhood, healing after a C Section is a journey. My body still doesn’t feel exactly the same, and I know that must seem obvious but I don’t know why I assumed that I would go back to normal within 12 weeks, or why would America give 12 week maternity after a major surgery-she snarks.
I was wrong.
My scar has internally healed nicely but has keloid on the outside which is driving me crazy. Although no one will see it because its below my bikini line, I hate that my hubby has to and worst of all, that I have to.
Needless to say a C Section has a way of really playing on your emotions and level of security- or at least it has for me.
In other news, 5 months postpartum is the closest I have felt to myself. Although my C section isn’t 100% healed it’s nice to have the freedom to workout and enjoy sometime walking with the baby without any discomfort after a few hours.
Steph Loving on Steph
I am still learning the art of being my 100% self, a great mom, and a great wife. A baby changes you in so many ways that I almost couldn’t remember the last time I had real me time. I never use to worry or feel bad about taking time to have a stay-cation alone when I was just a wife. I knew that my husband would understand and also love the idea of getting some time for himself but with Alína I couldn’t help but feel like I’m neglecting her.
Needless to say, Mom guilt has definitely been a running them this month and learning to be me and balance everything around me, has been challenging. I’ve learnt more than ever this month that it really does take a village to raise a child.
Alína is my favorite human and at 5month’s she is holding on to that position tight, but as for myself, 5 months postpartum feels like a turning point. I’m in a beautiful but weird place where I am excited to relearn myself but petrified of who that may be and what that may mean for my career and future.
5 months postpartum has been a breath taker. It feels like I’m catching my breath and catching up with who I was before Alína while learning who I am now that Alína is here.
Long story short, feel free to drop me some gems mommy’s on how you found you and never felt guilt for the moments you needed to regroup and find you again.