Not your ordinary pregnant lady or full-time marketing gal, I moved all the way from London to marry the man of my dreams from Knoxville Tennessee, who won The Voice, became a super star, and is roughly home 8-9months out of the year. Between his travel schedule, my desire to live my best crunchy-american life, and having a new baby on the way, join me to learn one of the hardest secrets kept, balance!

13 Best Books for First Time Parents

Being a first time parent can be hard. But one of the key factors to succeeding and rocking parent-hood like a #boss includes two things. Having a great tribe-which you already have with us Having a few great books! Between my love for audio books and my general obsession with the variety of products, I…

Traveling While Pregnant

Your pregnancy doesn’t have to leave you home bound, even during a pandemic it is definitely possible to get out and travel. Traveling while pregnant doesn’t have to be difficult, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! The perks of seeing the world, staying safe, enjoying your own company and the company of other amazing…

Baby Moon In Tennessee

Coming Soon Tennessee has some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Being pregnant here was beyond an amazing escape from the hustle and bustle while still giving you an ample amount to do even in the most quiet locations.

Affirmations For Working Moms

what makes us different Affirmations For Working Moms Affirmations of Peace We want to help sprinkle some extra peace in your week. Beauty Reminders Sometimes you need a little reminder to let you know you’re the bomb! Postpartum love Affirmations for after birth-toddler years. Working Mommas Get affirmed to help make your work day a…

Traveling While Pregnant- First trimester

Traveling While Pregnant: Your First Trimester Checklist In your first trimester, you would assume that traveling is at its most straightforward point of pregnancy.Not true!Traveling in your first trimester requires a checklist. I love to travel and my biggest fear throughout my pregnancy was that I wouldn’t be able to travel as I did before.My…

Footwear For All Three Trimesters

Being sexy during your pregnancy is possible. Throughout my pregnancy it took me a while to get use to the changes my body was going through. In my first trimester it wasn’t as hard to look cute and still feel sexy. As my bump began to grow, I struggled to find clothes that worked with…

Yoni Eggs To Enhance Fertility & Sex

Yoni Eggs To Enhance Your Fertility & Sex Life Let’s Talk Yoni Eggs Shop Premium Eggs Yoni Eggs Yoni eggs have a long, beautiful history and have been around for centuries. Used as an incredibly sacred and secret practice by ancient Chinese concubines, the yoni egg is known for multiple benefits such as, increasing vaginal…