Second Trimester Planning: Ideas to guide you week by week

As your energy begins to pick up, the second trimester is a great time to get things done. Week by week as your body changes here is a list of tasks and ideas to help you sail through your second trimester.

Week 14: This would be a great time to start prenatal yoga and prepare your body to relax and rejuvenate to improve flexibility and mobility.

Week 16: This would be a great week to tell your employers that you are pregnant and prepare to talk about maternity leave.

Week 18: Have you decided what location you would like to give birth in? Week 18 is a great time to decide a location of your birth.

Week 20: Now that you’ve planned where you would like to give birth, try and envision the ideal support team you would like at your birthing experience.

Week 22: This is a great week to begin your birthing classes and prepare mentally and physically for the delievry of your baby.

Week 24: Have you started your baby registry yet and your nursery? Don’t worry if you haven’t started yet, you still have time. This is a great week to plan how you will decorate your nursery and what exactly you need for your baby.

Week 26: It’s birth planning time! Start to use this week to envision what you would like your birth to be like. Make it a plan and find ways to effectively stick to it.

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