The journey to pregnancy is never an easy one. At least it wasn’t for me. My journey to getting pregnant and staying pregnant was an interesting one.
Before I begin, I want you all to know that I am a super private person, and this is definitely a version of me that I’ve wanted to exposed but felt extremely nervous to strip back.
As a woman the construct of society has always made us believe that we are good for somethings, but the two most important elements that make up a woman is our ability to pro-create and serve a man.
Questioning that construct, especially as a christian woman was either very weird or unheard of, let alone doing it as a married woman. That somehow was the biggest oxymoron.
Well, for me, I went through a stage in life of not wanting to be married and not minding if I ever did become a mother-SayWhuut?
Yup. So much so that when I met my now husband I was so confused on what God was doing because I was honestly so career driven that I couldn’t understand how or why God would take out the time to send me a match.
The hardest part of it all was knowing I had more room in my heart for an opportunity to spend forever with him than be the mother of his kids. An oxymoron to some but a straight forward reality to me.
Skipping now 6 years and a pregnancy later, so much has changed.
My journey to pregnancy was a complicated one that not many people know, and as a career driven, highly ambitious woman I can honestly say, I still wouldn’t change a thing about my journey and the direction my life took.
So, I’ve decided to break down my journey one trimester and hormonal break down at a time, to hopefully help other ambitious woman like yourself know, the beauty, trials and struggles of my journey.
Let’s start from the beginning- I guess that’s always a good place to begin.
After my husband won the voice, and we got married, life as I knew it completely changed. Not only did I move from London to Knoxville but I was dealing with an entire different caliber of the life I was use to.
I went from normal everyday working for a major broadcasting company to traveling and having everyone know my husbands name.
Not long after being married the pressure of everyone wanting to know when we would get pregnant began. I always knew my husband wanted kids, but for some reason in my mind, I never sat in the reality of him wanting that, and his desire for children, not changing.
It took a while. But after a year of thinking, and landing a great job not to long after, my desire for children randomly began to grow.
Number one, it became hard for me to not want to procreate with such a sexy man- #HubbaHubba, and that’s when my journey to pregnancy began.
We started to actively have unprotected sex- which was the fun part, and began to research the best times to have sex to get pregnant- again a really fun part.
But then reality hit.
After months of what people would call “actively trying to conceive” and what I would call, seeing what nature thought of the idea of me conceiving. It began to feel like nature was not on my side.
I wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong and neither was my husband but getting pregnant was showing us that it wasn’t as easy as we thought.
After months of disappointment my journey to pregnancy seemed like a never ending road of disappointment, and regret. I couldn’t help but question if my years of not wanting to be pregnant was manifesting.
Myself and my husband both went to the drs to figure out what was going on, only to be told we were both fine and to “keep trying”.
From ovulation kits, to reading multiple blog posts and looking up potential medications, I went from wanting to be pregnant to being obsessed with the idea of having a pregnancy story.
Sex went from being a soul binding act to a task. A strategically planned task.
It was sucking the life out of me.
I was confused at my new desire to prove to myself I could get pregnant, while having conflicting thoughts of “well at least you never have to stop working or pursuing your dreams”.
It was a lot.
But it wasn’t long until things started to change and my pregnancy journey began.
The main passion I had that was the solution to my problem was herbs. Everyone who knows me personally knows how much I value the crunchy life, and for those who don’t believe it works, I am a living example on how simple herbal living changed the outcome of my pregnancy journey.
No woman wants to hear that they’re infertile. I truly believe that even the women who are not interested in having kids, still want to know they can have kids, or at least that was my case.
I wanted the power to be in control of my destiny. And when I felt like I wasn’t it was earth shattering.
My tubes are blocked?
I have a normal period every month!
Wait so I can’t have kids?
The amount of the thoughts that ran through my mind was hard. It was hard on my marriage, it was hard on my husband, but most of all, it was hard on me.
My doctor wanted to do a test to confirm that this was the case and after doing a tubal test, it turnt out, my tubes were blocked.
I fell into a world wind of wondering how this was even possible, and after hours of googling I realized just how common this silent infertility issue was. After my doctor gave me the diagnosis the first call of action was getting them unblocked but I was determine to do this naturally!
And that’s exactly what I did!
After weeks of researching I found multiple products that I was keen to try, that were known for unblocking tubes.
The first was Serrapeptase and the second was castor oil. I took two 120,000 SPU pills every day. One in the morning and one at night. And I did a hot castor oil stomach wrap- around my lower abdomen three times a week for 45 minutes.
The third method I used to treat my infertility was heavily focused on herbal blends. I boiled Chinese herbs, and made a tea that I would consume everyday for 7 days (just one cup) and took one day gap before starting my seven day process again.
Lastly I created a yoni steam blend and would do a yoni steam once a week for 40 minutes.
My appointment to unblock my tubes was four weeks from the day I found out, and three and a half weeks from the day I started my 5 step natural process to unblocking my tubes.
Without any surgery, my 5 step process actually worked. My dr was amazed when he went in and saw that dye run straight through my tubes, especially after witnessing how blocked my tubes were just a few weeks prior.
Needless to say my pregnancy story ended on a happy note.
I got pregnant and was inspired to also pick up a certification in holistic herbs medicine.
Not every infertility story ends that way. Some women have to try multiple methods and go through a multitude of medical treatments to get there happy every after. But there is never any harm in trying herbal remedies and now that I have my baby girl, I’m excited to take my passion for herbal healing through my postpartum journey and to other career driven moms, wanting the opportunity to grow their family in the same way they have grown their career.