Is cheese an aphrodisiac?
Although cheese is not really discussed as an aphrodisiac or in any romantic terms, I’m here to blow your mind and get you hooked on some good Mac & Cheese that will get your blood boiling.
Here’s your European fun-fact for the day. In Italy, cheese is aphrodisiac.
As a Mom in the thick of Postpartum living, when I read this on an Italian blog, I had to do some research, and lady’s Italy was on to something.
After learning about the sexual and physical benefits of cheese I went on a quest to find great cheese to give me a weekly cheese fix and what better than Mac and Cheese.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of good cheese, and provide you with perfect noodles and cheese by one of the top contenders, GOODLES!
A P H R O D I S I A C S & C H E E S E
did you know
that there are many surprising benefits to cheese for Postpartum Mommy’s especially in the sexual health department. After having Alína I found that my sex drive wasn’t as high as before.
I’m always here for opportunities to grow in everything I do and part take in *wink-wink*, I absolutely love cheese, but I have sadly always had a taste for the high fat bad stuff. After learning about the benefits of “healthy” cheese, I was blown away!

Here are a few must-know-facts about GOODLES
the good stuff
GOODLES Mac and Cheese has14 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber per serving as well as prebiotics! It contains real cheese, and none of the bad stuff like GMOs, artificial colors, artificial flavors, or preservative!
Theres more..
From personal experience, one of my favorite things about GOOGLES, is all the hard work is basically done for you ! The Mac & Cheese is practically instant and requires barely any prep. The creamy stuff comes inside and it is paired with the perfect noodles for that cheese.
Your 25% off code!!!
I was extremely lucky to have the chance to grab a code for you to save 25% off of your Mac & Cheese! The price and taste is already perfection but I've attached more details below on how you can save even more money on your first batch.. #You'reWelcome
Steph Bee #MEG
Save 25% on GOODLES Mac & Cheese with code MOMSAREGOODER. Expires 7/31/2022.