What to expect between months 8 -10
A letter to Alina-dior
It’s been a while family. Almost two months since I’ve updated you on Alína, and so much has happened in between that time. Anyway bear with me, I wanted to do something different to summarize the past two months of her life and celebrate the next two, as her first birthday approaches. This blog post will not only update you on Alína’s growth and development over the last 2 months but a sneak-peek into the two-part series of my letter to Alina-Dior.
8 month old alina
It doesn’t feel like yesterday that you were born. Somehow how, it feels like you’ve always been here. It’s like you’ve always been a major part of me that was sitting in my world just waiting to manifest into my physical arms. I say this because, as you get older, the more I realize that we are not strangers. You are not a distant part of me but you are the best most intricate parts of me and your dad.
At 8 months you made me so proud and wowed everyone that knows you! You said “mama” and shortly after-upon being forced by your dad, said “dada”. You then went on to expand to nana and bye-bye and refused to not clap your hands at every moment that made you happy. If you haven’t learnt this already, your mom is a milestone-aholic, But Alína you’ve shown me you will do things on and in your own time which is usually the perfect time.
If you ever wondered what you were doing at 8 months “What to expect” gave the perfect description of all things you got up to.
9 month old alina
You’ve made me into my best self at 8 months, at exactly 8 months you decided that you would take off crawling and attempt to stand up holding everything you could grab around the parameters of you.
You weighed 16 pounds and felt like 21 because of your love for food. I make everything you eat from scratch and although it’s been trial and error, you were always quick to show me when you hated something. With your milk protein allergy, I really believed it would be hard to figure out what you could eat, but you only sent me more confirmation of another side of my creativity. I made you everything green and everything healthy, and who would have thought, just like your dad you loved it.
Mixed mashed red and sweet potatoes and with broccoli with carrots is one of those meals that makes you sing while you eat and although it looks gross to mommy, I feel nothing short of proud when I make you a meal that you. By the end of month 8, it got real teething and her furry showed up.
10 Month Old Alina
I was worried when month 9 was approaching and you had no teeth. Little did I know we were right around the corner from those small daggers appearing. On a random Wednesday morning, you woke up and decided to bite my face. Needless to say the pain inflicted caused an array of emotions but the main one was gratitude that not only did you have a tooth, but you also had teeth?
At nine months your teeth decided that they could no longer hold out, they wanted the world to know that they were here and they were sharp and ready to pouce!
You bit your dada’s nipple a few times, and also attempted Marble’s tail but they both forgave you and kissed yiu everywhere once. the sting was gone,
You spent two months in England and made everyone around you feel so special. No one you met was a stranger and I loved it. Although flying with you was the hardest thing once we got to where we were going, you settled in so well and extremely quickly! There is no way to be made at you!
My sunshine
These past few months you have grown in more ways than one you ive watched you get attached to particular toys and books! You adore all your interactive pop-out books and new baby doll that grandad got you.
Stimulate your 8-month-old by describing how things work, how they are used and how they are different. For example, “When I turn on the faucet, water comes out,” “The car will help us get places faster than walking with you in the stroller,” “The doggy says ‘woof’ and the kitty cat says ‘meow’”.
Spend time talking, singing songs and reading books to boost his language skills; play games that help explain concepts like cause and effect.
Your 9-month-old baby may be able (either now or soon) to use gestures to indicate what she needs and imitate actions she’s seen you do — sometimes even ones she’s seen you do several days before!
If you’ve been teaching your baby sign language, you may soon be rewarded with some recognizable results as she taps those tiny fingertips together to indicate “more” or touches that little mouth to let you know she wants to eat.
10 month old baby sleep
At this age, some babies are still taking two naps a day while others are in the process of transitioning to one nap a day. Regardless of how many naps your little one is taking, they typically need about 14 hours of sleep at this age.2
Most of the time, babies sleep about 11 hours at night and three hours during the day. If they are taking two naps their naps are about 1 1/2 hours each.2
You had many highlighting moments over the past few months. I am still in awe that we are less than two full months away from being one. You are growing so beautifully and starting to grow into your independence – which mommy has a love-hate relationship for. Nonetheless, as mommy and daddy continue to plan for the big ONE, thank you for grounding us as we cling onto every moment we will have before that.