One Month Loc'd
3 Things i have learnt in one Month of starter locs
3 ways that my locs has been a working moms dream!

1. Easy, breezy, COVER GIRL!
I am only five weeks into the journey and one of the noticeable differences in my day-to-day is how much more time I have. Worrying about styling, straightening, curling, and all the jazz is finally behind me. I wake up and my hair is ready to go. With minimal styling, locs have proven, so far, to be the one look I’ve had that is super cute and can still give that cover girl slay while being very manageable.
2. Having a toddler and having locs
I can’t express to you how many times this month, I’ve thanked GOD that I finally took this leap! Managing Alina and locs has made my life substantially easier! As a mom that has to almost always looked “put together”, my locs and headwraps have come through in helping me to do that and do it with minimal time spent on it. Like most moms, I plan my day based on the weather- sometimes. Whenever it was beautiful outside, it was important to me that Alína had the chance to enjoy the outdoors. When I had loose natural hair the amount of styling and time that it took to not only keep my hair healthy, but manageable, and cute took so much time away from the time I wanted to spend with Alína.
3.Believe it or not, there is a downside
Like everything else, locs hasn’t completely been sunshine and rainbows these past few weeks. Although the management piece is easy, the stages to my retwist were tough! Once I hit week two and a half, my head was a part of the struggle bus. I am all about enjoying each stage, but trust and believe, my head-wraps were life savers between weeks two to four. By week five I instantly knew there was no way I could go another week without doing a retwist, as much as I wanted to push to six weeks, I looked at my hair and heard each strand cry “touch me, refresh me and make me whole” , so I had no choice. This journey is all about listening to what I intuitively feel to do and what feels right for my hair, so your girl HAD TO do that retwist at week 5.
Thankfully, I didn’t see the need to do my entire head, I love the fullness that not having a retwist creates, so I went through and separated and retwisted the strands that needed it, and left mainly the back, as it was.
Heres to month two
The loc journey is not an easy one but so far, it is proving to be worthwhile and full of women ready to cheer you on to keep going!
I can’t lie tribe, I still have no idea why I waited almost 10 years to do what I’ve always wanted to do with my hair, but I’m grateful for the journey of enjoying the different styles I did, and now settle with the style I love.
More tea next month, lets see what month two brings…